Tag: Publication

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The Stories Congregations Tell: Flourishing in the Face of Transition and Change

Congregations are story-telling communities. The stories they tell, which link a community’s past, present, and future, can play an important role in whether a congregation flourishes or not. The Stories Congregations Tell features detailed case study research from seven dynamic Canadian congregations across theological traditions and geographical regions. Readers will encounter narratives that congregations tell themselves through a myriad of congregational and social transitions, accounts that shape how congregations interpret, frame, approach, and ultimately flourish in ministry. On the surface congregational descriptions appear specific to local contexts. Yet, cultural analysis reveals several commonalities across distinct congregational cultures that appear resilient in the face of challenge and change. These factors include visionary leadership, clear congregational identity rooted in spiritual formation, hospitable community among members, and intentional systems and structures oriented toward a congregation’s mission. This book offers social scientific analysis and theological reflection on the stories congregations tell and the function those stories play for a congregation’s culture, along with practical and hopeful applications to arise from this research.

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Mental Health and Illness in Canadian Congregations, 2024

What attitudes and perceptions regarding mental health, mental illness, and mental health challenges exist in Canadian Christian congregations, and what congregational supports and resources related to these topics exist? These questions anchor this survey, in partnership with Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, with nearly 1000 church leaders and congregants across theological traditions and Canadian regions. This report also offers a way forward for churches, informed by these data.

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Reigniting Hope: Sharing the Good News in Canada

Perceived spiritual openness, increased prioritization on evangelism, and greater clarity on the purposes of evangelism are among the more surprising findings in this 2024 study with Alpha Canada, with over 800 Canadian church leaders. This report also includes data and opportunities for congregation leaders in areas of prayer, inviting people to evangelistic contexts, and celebrating new followers of Jesus.

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Discipleship from Catholic, mainline and conservative protestant congregant perspectives in Canada

A key marker of congregational flourishing is discipleship, where followers of Jesus are transformed and mature in their Christian faith. This study with over 9100 people in 250+ churches in Canada explores discipleship practices and processes that help to facilitate spiritual growth among congregants. Learnings center on the ways denominational tradition matters for how groups disciple their members, plus the importance of a welcoming, safe, and caring congregational context for effective discipleship.

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The Priority and Practice of Evangelism

“No religion” is the fastest growing group in Canada. This 2021 survey research with 2700+ Canadian church leaders, in partnership with Alpha Canada, details the attitudes, behaviours, and experiences surrounding evangelization. Some results are unexpected, yielding several considerations for churches that wish to take evangelism seriously as one potential source of church growth.

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Understanding Clergy Resilience

Flourishing congregations depend, in part, on clergy who are flourishing. This study on Canadian clergy resilience – the ability to bounce back from challenges and adversity – builds on research with 500+ clergy and centers on the perceived types of adversity clergy confront that impact stress and burnout, variables that affect clergy resilience, and pre-service training that nurtures clergy resilience.

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