Research on Canadian Congregations

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Featured Research

Many Canadians identify as Christians, but what do they actually believe? Canadian Christians’ beliefs don’t necessarily match what their churches teach. That’s one of the key findings in a major...
This is a recording from the first of four webinars in our Flourishing Forward webinar series. This webinar contains recent findings from a national survey with nearly 1,000 church leaders...
Research shapes how we think. But what if the research we’re accessing is inaccurate? Researchers at the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada studied how Evangelicals are found through survey research and...

FCI Published Research

Congregations are story-telling communities. The stories they tell, which link a community’s past, present, and...
What attitudes and perceptions regarding mental health, mental illness, and mental health challenges exist in...
Perceived spiritual openness, increased prioritization on evangelism, and greater clarity on the purposes of evangelism...
Where are signs of life in Canadian congregations, and what can we learn from them?...

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I am pleased to give my wholehearted endorsement to the Flourishing Congregations Institute…

As Catholic dioceses and parishes look for ways to engage in the New Evangelization of our society, it will be helpful to use research tools and analysis that would allow us to comprehend the complexity of social structures and behaviour in a pluralistic society. It could assist us to understand better what factors contribute to the flourishing of parishes in their particular contexts.

Donald Bolen
Catholic Archbishop of Regina