Custom Research

Our team can work with you to custom design a research tool (e.g., survey) to meet the unique interests/needs in your congregation, denomination, or organization.

Featured custom research

Mental Health and Illness in Canadian Congregations, 2024

What attitudes and perceptions regarding mental health, mental illness, and mental health challenges exist in Canadian Christian congregations, and what congregational supports and resources related to these topics exist? These questions anchor this survey, in partnership with Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, with nearly 1000 church leaders and congregants across theological traditions and Canadian regions. This report also offers a way forward for churches, informed by these data.  

Featured custom research

The Priority and Practice of Evangelism

“No religion” is the fastest growing group in Canada. This 2021 survey research with 2700+ Canadian church leaders, in partnership with Alpha Canada, details the attitudes, behaviours, and experiences surrounding evangelization. Some results are unexpected, yielding several considerations for churches that wish to take evangelism seriously as one potential source of church growth.

Do you have a research question you would like to pursue?​​

We can custom design a study to meet the needs of your individual congregation, denomination, or organization as we’ve done previously with Alpha Canada, Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary, among others.

Meet our Leadership Team

Meet with our leadership team members to discuss and plan the research topic.

Develop custom research

Our team will develop the research methods and tools to conduct the study. This includes gathering, analyzing, and sharing data.

In-depth report analysis

Receive an in-depth report of the results, meet with members of the research team to discuss the report’s findings, implications, and imaginative possibilities for your church/organization moving forward.

Custom Research

If you are interested in exploring this possibility (for a fee), please provide the following information and we’ll follow up to explore further with you, including anticipated costs.