Category: Health and Wellbeing

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Mental Health and Illness in Canadian Congregations, 2024

What attitudes and perceptions regarding mental health, mental illness, and mental health challenges exist in Canadian Christian congregations, and what congregational supports and resources related to these topics exist? These questions anchor this survey, in partnership with Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, with nearly 1000 church leaders and congregants across theological traditions and Canadian regions. This report also offers a way forward for churches, informed by these data.

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A Woman Talking at a Couple's Therapy Session

Hope for Change: Addressing Domestic Violence in Churches

In September 2024, Nova Scotia passed legislation declaring an epidemic of domestic violence, joining 95 municipalities in Ontario that had already done so. Violence most often occurs in intimate relationships, like the family. In 2018, 44% of women and 36% of men in Canada reported experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) since the age of 15. Nearly 60% of Canadians have experienced some form of child maltreatment, including physical and sexual abuse, exposure to IPV, emotional abuse, and neglect.
Violence and abuse happen across all types of relationships and backgrounds—economic, ethnic, and social. It involves physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual, and financial abuse to control and maintain power. This reality can be discouraging for Christians. Many wonder, “How can domestic violence happen in our church family, where we profess to live God’s love through Christ?”

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Understanding Clergy Resilience

Flourishing congregations depend, in part, on clergy who are flourishing. This study on Canadian clergy resilience – the ability to bounce back from challenges and adversity – builds on research with 500+ clergy and centers on the perceived types of adversity clergy confront that impact stress and burnout, variables that affect clergy resilience, and pre-service training that nurtures clergy resilience.

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